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A small ri­ver na­med Du­den flows by their place and sup­pli­es it wi­th the ne­ces­sa­ry re­ge­li­alia. It is a pa­ra­di­se­ma­tic coun­try, in which roas­ted parts of sen­ten­ces fly in­to your mouth.

When, while the love­ly val­ley teems wi­th va­pour around me, and the me­ri­di­an sun strikes the up­per sur­face of the im­pene­tra­ble fo­lia­ge of my trees, and but a few stray gleams ste­al in­to the in­ner sanc­tua­ry, I throw mys­elf down among the tall grass by the trick­ling stream; and, as I lie clo­se to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are no­ti­ced by me: when I hear the buzz of the litt­le world among the stalks, and grow fa­mi­li­ar wi­th the count­less.

Our goal has al­ways be­en to mo­ti­va­te, en­cou­ra­ge and re­lease our fel­low crea­ti­ves to do their thing, so we’ve lo­vin­g­ly craf­ted a the­me that is bo­th su­per ea­sy to use and pa­cked full of end­less pos­si­bi­li­ties.

When, while the love­ly val­ley teems wi­th va­pour around me, and the me­ri­di­an sun strikes the up­per sur­face of the im­pene­tra­ble fo­lia­ge of my trees, and but a few stray gleams ste­al in­to the in­ner sanc­tua­ry, I throw mys­elf down among the tall grass by the trick­ling stream; and, as I lie clo­se to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are no­ti­ced by me: when I hear the buzz of the litt­le world among the stalks, and grow fa­mi­li­ar wi­th the count­less.

A won­derful se­re­ni­ty has ta­ken pos­ses­si­on of my en­ti­re soul, li­ke the­se sweet mor­nings of spring which I en­joy wi­th my who­le he­art. I am alo­ne, and feel the charm of exis­tence in this spot, which was crea­ted for the bliss of souls li­ke mi­ne.

When, while the love­ly val­ley teems wi­th va­pour around me, and the me­ri­di­an sun strikes the up­per sur­face of the im­pene­tra­ble fo­lia­ge of my trees, and but a few stray gleams ste­al in­to the in­ner sanc­tua­ry, I throw mys­elf down among the tall grass by the trick­ling stream; and, as I lie clo­se to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are no­ti­ced by me: when I hear the buzz of the litt­le world among the stalks, and grow fa­mi­li­ar wi­th the count­less.

When, while the love­ly val­ley teems wi­th va­pour around me, and the me­ri­di­an sun strikes the up­per sur­face of the im­pene­tra­ble fo­lia­ge of my trees, and but a few stray gleams ste­al in­to the in­ner sanc­tua­ry, I throw mys­elf down among the tall grass by the trick­ling stream; and, as I lie clo­se to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are no­ti­ced by me: when I hear the buzz of the litt­le world among the stalks, and grow fa­mi­li­ar wi­th the count­less.

2560 2560 Ratsgymnasium Osnabrück

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